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Aiden Simard

Project Title: Adolescent Anxiety and Social Media

My study 'Adolescent Anxiety and Social Media' demonstrates the detrimental effect social media has on adolescent stress and anxiety, through self-assessed cognitive scores, systolic blood pressure monitoring, and hormonal analysis. Since there has been a link identified, society can begin to be educated on the detrimental health risks associated with social media addiction, as well as begin to develop ways to combat this epidemic.


My name is Aiden Simard, and I am a grade 12 student at Neelin High School in Brandon, Manitoba. When I'm not at school studying various mathematics and science related courses, I spend my free time as a competitive tap dancer and as a youth mentor. Tap is a large part of my life, so much so that I have traveled the world to places such as Germany and Vermont competing and developing my skills as a dancer. I also find leading the next generation to be very rewarding. Which is why I work and volunteer all over my community to provide underprivileged youth with a role model. In doing so, I enjoy volunteering at the local youth centre where I teach free dance lessons for children living in poverty. Beyond this, I also love researching important topics that are relevant in todays society; leading me to my current research topic on adolescent anxiety and social media. These are both concepts that everyone can relate to and I hope that my findings help contribute to the growing body of knowledge surrounding mental health. Continuing into post-secondary, I hope to continue researching mental illness, and help combat the growing epidemic that is adolescent mental health.


Q:  What has been your favourite activity (or activities) at the Canada Wide Science Fair this week?

A.  My favourite activity has been tour day; having the opportunity to explore all over New Brunswick, and uncovering a plethora of the province's historic sites. 

Q.  What did you learn from your experience at the CWSF?

A.  Every time I attend CWSF, I learn valuable lessons related to not only STEM, but lessons on team and friendship building.

Q. What do you think will be your favourite memory from the CWSF when you look back?

A.  Whenever I look back to past CWSFs, my fondest memory is always judging day, and sharing my work with various educated individuals. 

Q. What advice or recommendations would you give to a future CWSF participant before they went to the fair? 

A.  My only advice would be to maintain confidence! Not only does this show maturity and pride during project exhibition, but also when making friends! 

Western Manitoba Science Fair

637 10th Street, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

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